Adrià Tortosa

Design · Art · Creativity

Creating visuals for video dj sessions.
The short video was created with different urban lights.
Soft. used: Final Cut Pro.

Web Design of Labys Prevencion. Job security company.
Collaboration with Mirina Studio.
Soft. used: Coda, Adobe Dreamweaver, and Adobe Flash.

Personal work: Nightmare Before Christmas. Animated website.
Soft. used: Adobe Flash.

Personal project.
Creative and Motion Graphics Artist: Creating alternative credits from The Shining (1980) Stanley Kubrick’s film.
Soft. used: Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro.

Minisite proposal for an exhibition at CCCB (Contemporary Culture Centre of Barcelona).
Soft. used: Adobe Flash and Adobe Photoshop.

Creative collaboration and motion graphics with Laia Vidal.
Credits for “Reality”. Short film directed by Kim Gazquez .
SCIFE award in 2008.
Soft. used: Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro.